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Exclusive membership to the Beaucoup Style Club offers clients more than just key information on what’s hot and what’s not, but also personalized shopping recommendations and early access to coveted events.


A year-long subscription to Beaucoup Style includes:


  • A regular trend report and style newsletter,

  • Frequent shopping recommendations based on your personal needs and style,

  • Early registration for our See n’ Shop World Tours and events, and

  • A comprehensive portfolio of informative style tips and suggestions.

Join the club!

Beaucoup Style Club Membership



Valid for 12 months

What Our Clients Think...

Fashion Models
I love being part of the Club! At least once a month, I get the scoop on the trends, how to apply them based on my style goals, and where to buy them. It's much more personal than reading a fashion magazine or window shopping in the mall.

-  Chelsea L.

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